Monday, October 19, 2009

Had rested

2:3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

Not only does God need to rest, he likes resting so much he makes the day when he rested holy.  He must have been seriously worn out.

Ok, this is the last of 4 verses saying that the creation is over.  So, it's time to go back and summarize.  Here are the days in shorthand, after the introductory first verse.
  1. 4 verses, 1:2-1:5.  Let light; light.  Divide from dark.  Good.  Name: Day, Night.
  2. 3 verses, 1:6-1:8.  Let firmament with purpose; made firmament; so.  Name: Heaven.
  3. 5 verses, 1:9-1:13.  Let dry land separated from water; so.  Name: Earth, Seas.  Good.  Let plants from earth, reproducing; so; plants.  Good.
  4. 6 verses, 1:14-1:19.  Let lights with purposes; so; made sun, moon, stars to rule. Good.
  5. 4 verses, 1:20-1:23.  Let fish, birds from seas; made fish, birds, reproducing.  Good.  Bless: reproduce.
  6. 8 verses, 1:24-1:31.  Let animals from earth, reproducing; so; made animals.  Good.  Let people with dominion; made people, reproducing.  Bless: reproduce, farm, have dominion.  People eat plants.  Animals eat plants. Very good.
  7. 3 verses, 2:1-2:3.  Rest, bless, sanctify.
Looking this over, it's really clear that plants should be created on a different day from the earth.  And people on a different day from the animals.  And possibly birds on a different day from fish.  What was his hurry?  Was God trying to meet a deadline?

So, what have we learned about God from this tale?  He existed when the story began, when the earth was covered in water.  He's leading a committee, or is a committee.  He's a hard worker, or a group of hard workers who can accomplish impressive things.  He's insecure, and is always checking if his work is any good.  He can't do everything at once, and he gets tired.  He looks like people.  He talks and sees.  He's obsessed with reproduction.  He wants people and animals to eat plants.  He wants the sun to rule the day, and people to have dominion over animals.  He doesn't create something from nothing so much as he shapes and organizes.  He supports farming.

And of the universe?  Well, at the bottom is the earth on one side and the seas on the other.  Above them is heaven, which is apparently the atmosphere, containing birds, and the sun, moon and stars.  Above that is another ocean which makes the sky look blue.  One of the purposes of the sun and moon is to divide day from night, although there were a couple of days and nights before they existed.  The main goal of the plants and fish and birds and animals and people is to reproduce like crazy.

Here's the really crazy part: there are people who say they think this story is literally true.  That's bizarre enough, but odder still is that they believe hardly anything that I've written here.  And we haven't even gotten to the warped and twisted parts yets.

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